A selection of our engagements

The body is the first instrument for developing intelligence –
Conza Foundation supports circus project for children

When children attend circus school in their leisure time, they train awareness and concentration. They practise their conception of action, goal-oriented skills, strength control and psychomotor functions. Learning a stunt or trick requires discipline and deep dive. Motor action is the primary form of action and the basic system of cognition and understanding. It is at the beginning of a child's cognitive development and conceptualization. Thinking is acting internalized. When a child finally masters a stunt after practising it for a long time, this is a great experience of significance for the child. This year, as in previous years, the Barbara and Roberto Conza Foundation supported a remarkable educational circus project for children.

Animals help children

Children bloom with animals. Especially with horses, not only because they carry the child calmly through nature on guided tours in all weathers, but also because of their sensual presence and strength, their warmth, their soft fur and their genuine down-to-earth nature, which gives the child feelings of security. The legendary friendliness of horses towards children when handling and caring for them in the stable also enables the children to feel strong and competent. For children with physical or mental handicaps and communication problems, the horse is a highly valued co-therapist.
This year, we once again supported an institution that offers therapeutic riding for children.

Scholarships for young musicians

Music is not only all-pervasive and topical, it also preserves the culture of other times, spaces, values and sensibilities. Those who take on this task include the many students in the music departments of our universities. Many of them need financial support during their studies. The Foundation is therefore once again awarding a large number of scholarships to young musicians this year.

Children and young people discover artistic skills

The cultural center Centro Cultural Tlaloc is a meeting place with cultural and artistic activities for children and young people in Esteli, a small town north of the capital Managua/Nicaragua. One of the goals of the center is to give young people and children the opportunity to discover and develop their artistic qualities. Among the various socio-cultural activities, musical encouragement and education is a focal point. If the young people are qualified, they have the opportunity to be prepared to study music in Managua.
The foundation supports the Centro Cultural Tlaloc association with finances.